Heart to Heart sessions Nov 27- Join for a community chat
This above amazing video was created by a participant in the May 2023 pilgrimage - Dominique Hurley.   
She has many more in her YouTube channel including many offerings to help you connect more deeply to your intuition. Including the powerful day we visited the cave where the Cathars did initiation ceremonies, or the day at Montsegur or the Labyrinth at Chartres.   Click here to browse her offerings.   
The 2024 pilgrimage has a slightly different itinerary including much of the 2024 pilgrimage and adding some new places.  
Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage France
September 11-28, 2024

Do you feel something stirring within you, a calling from your Soul?  A deep knowing that you are meant for more that you can’t quite explain …

Imagine how powerful it would feel to embody and anchor that energy in the same sacred places as Mary Magdalene walked in France …

Open for registration - the pilgrimage is filling up.  A small deposit will hold your space.  
Please connect with me directly if you would like to set up a connection call to talk about whether this pilgrimage is a fit for you.   There is currently a special offer that will be available to those who book a call.   
For complete details and itinerary:    https://marymagdalenepilgrimages.com/pilgrimage-2024/

November Schedule (2nd and 4th Monday)

Nov 13 and Nov 27


10:30 am and 6:00 pm MDT

Join Zoom Meeting


I am looking forward to connecting with anyone who wants to join these calls.


Please note: 

 If you are having challenges connecting to the call please send a text to





As we are birthing a beautiful new humanity we are in the midst of a metamorphic energy - somewhat similar to the energy of the caterpillar who weaves the cocoon and dissolves the old life letting go of  what was and allowing the new energy of the butterfly to build in perfect timing.


There are many who are part of this and many who will not be part of it.   There is a journey that we each are choosing as we move forward into a world that deeply reflects the teaching of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, where we exist in harmony and mutual respect.


In order to fully birth this new humanity we are all being called to clear the old patterns.  We are being triggered to allow awareness to see what is still unhealed within our pain body.   


Karmic debt is being cleared and the more we set our intention to take this precious time to heal, the faster we will shift to the new timelines.


Please join the call if you are finding a need to connect with others to share and perhaps get more of a sense of tactics to use moving forward.  


Note:  These calls are offered at no cost to support the community.  I urge you to connect to the calls as a way to allow the group energy to assist in dealing with what is showing up for you.  


As I was leading the book study Mary Magdalene Revealed by Meggan Watterson,  I realized how powerful this quote was and how much different my life would have been if I had realized this earlier. Until 52 when my spiritual journey began at a conscious level, I had tried most of my life to prove I could handle what came my way.

When my husband was in the hospital for several months in the aftermath of routine heart bypass operation I was in the time of my life where I had no awareness of spirituality and God.

That journey was to become the opening of my spiritual path. During that time I had nothing to hold on to much less hand over to a divine being. I was purely in the mode of ensuring all went well, documenting meetings and sending out regular updates. It was up to me to ensure he made it home.  It massively felt like he still had gifts to offer to the world.   

What started as a week turned into 4 months and seven operations including multiple amputations, removal of the sternum and kidney failure.

To some degree death came as a blessing as he was free from pain and an event following his death opened the door to a spiritual path.

Looking back I realize that journey would have been fundamentally different for both of us if I had the awareness of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene that enriches my life today.  We could have had the open conversation about going home as a possibility.   

  Book Studies  

Part of my mission is the reclaiming of the wisdom of the divine feminine and the integration of the divine masculine and divine feminine in a new paradigm where men and women work harmoniously together in a partnership which respects the wisdom both bring to the collective.


In the current moment I have been called to share via book studies an opportunity to look at history through the eyes of those teachers who have researched the trajectory over time of the breakdown of the value of the feminine. This is not around women’s liberation, which has played a part in the journey. It is a much deeper exploration through history of times when the feminine was deeply respected.


The book studies are offered to those people who are also feeling a call to this mission and who are unclear about how to dive in more fully.


There is no qualification for participation in these book studies other than a deep curiosity into how we lost our deeper connection to the Divine Mother. The Wisdom of Sophia energy has been on the planet for a very long time and it feels like this is a perfect time to reconnect to that wisdom. The book studies are structured so that participants can share their personal perspectives of the chapters being studied in a non-judgement environment. It is in our sharing this wisdom that there is an opening to an awareness of what is possible when we become aligned with the Divine Sophia Energy.


Why Participate in a Book Study

While reading the book can provide powerful insights, discussion of the information revealed in the book can massively deepen the integration of the information. It connects us to others who are on a similar journey and opens us to new perspectives. As we reconnect to the energy of the divine feminine we open more awareness or the divine within ourselves.


All the offerings for the fall are in process.   I am adding more to the 2024 offerings as well over the next few weeks.
Here is the upcoming schedule with details on the website.   Book study details
Paris - Eglise de la Madeleine
  A powerful image of a pregnant Mary Magdalene in Paris.   
I appreciate all those who are connected to the Magdalene energy on this newsletter.   You are holding more light than you can know. 
Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who might be served by joining the Mary Magdalene community. 



Ariana Brackenbury
+1 403-608-4274 (txt)

Calgary, Canada  



8 West Cedar Pt. SW, Calgary, AB T3H 5E3, Canada

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